Sunday, 20 March 2011

Day 133

I think I am back on track now, and have worked out my ‘new’ ending – phew!
If all goes to plan this time, there will be 38 chapters in total. I’ve got 31 done – so not far to go now with the first draft! J
On Thursday afternoon I went down to The Studio in Hartlepool with the other Easington Writers Group members where we each recorded some of our short stories and poems with Rachel Cochrane for her website We will all be featuring on the site some time in May – so please keep an eye (ear) out for that. My recorded work includes a short story called Red Shoe Blues and a poem called The First Shift.
I have nothing else to report on the writing front, so I will go and make a start on chapter 32 – or unload the dishwasher, perhaps, or hoover the stairs, or wash my hair...I have a bad case of procrastination going on! Well, it is Sunday...

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