I’m still having a breather from Slippery Souls at the moment – looking forward to some feedback from my auntie, hopefully, soon.
Monday, my new novel, is coming along swimmingly. I’m about halfway through the first draft now, at 36,000 words. It’s a good distraction from Slippery Souls, which means that when I go through the manuscript again, it’ll be with fresher eyes.
I don’t have much other news at all to report in the way of writing, apart from that the Easington Writers Group second anthology is now set to be published later in the year, with an expected Christmas launch party. I’m not sure which will come first at the moment – Slippery Souls or EWG Anthology. I’ll keep everyone posted though.
Oh there’s a new feature on my travel blog, in the usual place, (rachaelhdixonstravels.blogspot.com), about the Kettlewell Scarecrow Festival. My homework this week for the Easington Writers Group is to write a short story or poem about crows – so that experience certainly came in handy!
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